Sunday, July 5, 2009

Living In A Turd World Country

Hello hello hello, and welcome to the very first bLOG from Tiny Turds Studios.

Here at Tiny Turds Studios you will find all kinds of artistic crap. We draw and paint and color and sculpt and glue and sew and carve and print and film and animate and edit and design and arrange and rearrange and OBSESS and OBSESS and OBSESS.

We are neurotic, we are compulsive, we are ridiculous, we are weird, we are artists.

We call ourselves Tiny Turds Studios and compare our artwork to crap, because it really is. Not in the sense that it's unappealing or repulsive, [though some of you may find it so], but in the sense that we must create it. Our bodies ingest food and drinks and, as a result, our bodies create waste that needs to be expelled, or we become very ill.

Here at Tiny Turds Studios it's not all that different.

Our minds take in all sorts of nourishment daily and, as artists, we are somewhat emotionally dysfunctional and have a bit of difficulty processing all of it like a normal human being, so in order for us to deal with all the shit our minds absorb, we take our warped versions of what we have encountered and push it back out into the world before it makes us sick, or while it's making us sick, or because we are already sick. We haven't completely figured that one out yet.

Plus, poop is funny.

1 comment:

  1. a mission statement if ever there was one!

